Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Worship

Fourth Sunday in Advent
Sunday, Dec 24, 9 AM
Christmas Eve
Sunday, Dec 24, 7 PM
Christmas Day
Monday, Dec 25, 10 AM

St. Stephen, First Martyr
Tuesday, Dec 26, 9 AM
St. John, Evangelist
Wednesday, Dec 27, 9 AM
Holy Innocents, Martyrs
Thursday, Dec 28, 9 AM

The very Son of God sublime
Entered into earthly time
To lead us from this world of cares
To heaven's courts as blessed heirs. Alleluia!

In poverty He came to earth
Showing mercy by His birth;
He makes us rich in heavenly ways
And we, like angels, sing His praise. Alleluia! (LSB 382:5-6)

Thursday, December 14, 2006


We're into a new church year, starting with the season of Advent on December 3. Advent means "he comes." Advent is about the coming of our Lord to His people. That's what makes Christianity different than other religions. In other religions, you try to get to a higher power. But Christianity is about the Gospel: God comes to us. He comes to us in the Incarnation (God becoming flesh) and saves us through His perfect life, innocent suffering, death, and resurrection over the grave. That's what Advent is about. Advent is not just about preparing for Jesus to come in the manger at Bethlehem; that already happened! We remember the expectation of God's Old Testament people, even as we prepare our hearts for Christ to come again at the Last Day. There are three "comings" in Advent: (1) Jesus' birth in Bethlehem; (2) Jesus' coming to us in the Gospel and the Sacraments now; and (3) Jesus' coming at the Last Day.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thursday, December 7

LSF Meeting Tonight
At 6:30 P.M. in the University Student Center at Luther Memorial Chapel we will meet to discuss our activities for the next few months. Please join us! A few things on the agenda include * "Hooray for Camping! (TM): Winter Edition" * the movie "The Nativity Story" * ice skating * Christmas caroling.

St. Ambrose
Today the church commemorates St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan. Usually the church commemorates saints on the day of their earthly death, their "heavenly birthday." But St. Ambrose died on April 4, 397. He's remembered today (Dec 7) because this is the anniversary of his consecration to be bishop. He was the author of many hymns for the liturgy, and many homilies and treatises. He is regarded as one of the greatest and best-beloved bishops of all time, and is honored as one of the first four western Doctors of the church.

It's especially interesting that we commemorate St. Ambrose at this time because his well-known hymn, (through the German version by Dr. Martin Luther), "Savior of the Nations, Come" (TLH 95 / LW 13 / LSB 332) is the Chief Hymn for Ad Te Levavi, the First Sunday in Advent.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Divine Service
The weekly Divine Service is the center of the church's activities, and so it also stands at the center of our Lutheran Student Fellowship activities at Luther Memorial Chapel. Here is where our Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ comes to us to give us forgiveness, life, and salvation through the Proclamation of the Gospel and the celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Daily Office
Flowing from the Divine Service, the church prays for the needs of the parish, community, and the world. From Old Testament times, God's people met daily in the temple to pray at set times. In the church, a series of daily offices developed. The focus of these prayer services includes the Psalms, Canticles, readings, and a hymn. Martin Luther commended the continued use of morning and evening prayer in the church. Morning prayer is known as Matins. Evening prayer is known as Vespers.

At Luther Memorial Chapel,
we celebrate the Divine Service every Sunday at 9 AM and Monday at 7 PM. We also pray Matins each Tuesday at 9 AM.

There are additional opportunities for worship:
November 23, 9 AM, Matins for Thanksgiving
November 30, 9 AM, Matins for St. Andrew, Apostle
December 6, 13, and 20, 6 PM, Vespers for Advent
December 24, 7 PM, Vespers for Christmas Eve
December 25, 10 AM, Divine Service for Christmas Day
December 26, 9 AM, Matins for St. Stephen, First Martyr
December 27, 9 AM, Matins for St. John, Evangelist
December 28, 9 AM, Matins for Holy Innocents, Martyrs

Everyone is welcome to join us for worship!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Week of 10/29

Reformation Worship
MATINS: We will observe Reformation Day at Matins on Tuesday, October 31, at 9 AM.
FESTIVAL SERVICE: There is a Festival Service for Reformation Day on Tuesday at 7 PM at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church downtown at Ninth and Highland. A group will meet here at Luther Memorial Chapel at 6:15 PM if you'd like a ride downtown.

Table Talk
Table Talk continues to meet at the UWM student union on Wednesdays at 12:30 PM. Note the change in the room: In November we will be in room E250. Join us for FREE FOOD, a brief presentation, and discussion.

Informal Luther Appreciation Night
We will meet at the Old German Beer Hall downtown for some Lutheran drinks and discussion of Luther's writings. Meet at church in the University Student Center at 6:30 PM.

Dinner DVD Discussion
Our "Dinner DVD Discussion" series continues the next two Friday evenings, November 3 and 10, at 6 PM at the University Student Center at Luther Memorial Chapel.

Bucks Game
We will attend the Bucks game on Saturday, November 4 at 7:30 PM. We will meet at the church at 6:30 PM. There may still be a few extra tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis. Talk to Rachel if you are interested.

Bible Study Opportunities
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Wednesdays at 10:15 AM
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM

The Divine Service is the central activity of the church and of our campus ministry. Join us and bring a friend.
Sundays at 9 AM
Mondays at 7 PM

We always welcome new students to join our activities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vicar Schultz or Rachel.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Reformation Day

Reformation Day is October 31. We will celebrate the Divine Service for Reformation Day here at Luther Memorial Chapel on Sunday, October 29 at 9 AM. There is a festival service at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church downtown on Reformation Day, October 31, at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Other Events
The Bucks tickets for November 4 have been ordered. There may be a few extra on a first-come, first-serve basis. Talk to Rachel if you're interested.

Table Talk continues on Wednesdays at 12:30 PM in the UWM student union. There is free food, a brief presentation, and time for discussion. Please join us.

Sunday Bible Study "Heaven or Hell" continues in the University Student Center at the church at 10:30 AM. If you haven't joined us before, now is a great time to start! Come and find out what the Bible says about this often-misunderstood topic.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!

Live National Radio Broadcast from Luther Memorial Chapel
This Sunday, October 15 is the day! We will be hosting the live radio broadcast of Issues, Etc, a national radio program from 9-11 PM here at Luther Memorial Chapel. Refreshments will be served at 8 PM. Please join us for this unique and exciting event! Meet in the Lower Multi-Purpose Room.

Also, the Rev. Todd Wilken, host of Issues, Etc., will be the guest preacher at the 9 AM Divine Service on Sunday and will lead a Bible Study at 10:30 in the Lower Multi-Purpose Room. The Adults and University Students will join together to hear Rev. Wilken.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Live National Radio Broadcast at Luther Memorial Chapel

Issues, Etc., a radio program supported by our parish, will be doing a live national radio broadcast from the church on Sunday, October 15, from 9:00-11:00 P.M. The guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Leonard Payton, will be speaking on "Praise and Worship Music." Audience participation is needed! Consider coming to this unique and exciting event! Please let Pastor or Vicar know if you will be attending so that we can plan accordingly.

Issues, Etc.
Sunday, October 15
9-11 PM
at the church

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Upcoming Events

Table Talk
Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
UWM Union room 344
Free Food and Discussion

Camping Trip
October 6 and 7
Let Rachel know if you're interested in going!

Bible Study
Sundays at 10:30 AM in the LMC University Student Center
Wednesdays at 10:15 AM in the LMC Multi-Purpose Room

Live National Radio Broadcast at Luther Memorial Chapel
Issues, Etc. will broadcast live from Luther Memorial Chapel on Sunday, October 15, from 9:00-11:00 PM. Audience participation is needed. Please mark your calendars and let Vicar know that you're coming so we'll have adequate food.

The USC Today, our e-newsletter, is sent out twice a month. Give your e-mail addresses to Rachel or Vicar if you aren't receiving the USC Today.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Events This Week

Table Talk
in the UWM Student Union at 12:30 PM
Weds, Sept 20 (rm 344)
Thurs, Sept 21 (rm E260)

Bible Study "Heaven and Hell"
in the University Student Center (USC) at Luther Memorial Chapel
Sundays at 10:30 AM, following the 9:00 AM Divine Service
This is an interesting and important topic. Please join us!

at Lake Park - Rain or Shine!
Sunday, September 24 at 1:00 PM (rides from church at 12:45 PM)

Fall Camping Trip
Mark your calendars now!
Friday & Saturday, October 6-7

Table Talk = FREE FOOD!

"Table Talk" will continue this week on Wednesday, September 20 (rm 344) and Thursday, September 21 (rm E260) in the UWM Student Union at 12:30 PM. There will be FREE FOOD and a 10 minute presentation on a Lutheran belief. Time for discussion and questions will follow. Please join us!

We would like to continue Table Talk, but we're not sure what day. Please e-mail Vicar at lmc_vicar@yahoo.com and let him know what day of the week at 12:30 PM works best for you.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mark Your Calendars Now

Unique and Exciting Opportunity
National Radio Broadcast at Luther Memorial Chapel

Issues, Etc: “Talk Radio for the Thinking Christian” a national program, will have a live broadcast at Luther Memorial Chapel on Sunday, October 15 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. The topic will be “Praise and Worship Music,” by the Rev. Dr. Leonard Payton, a former Evangelical and Presbyterian church musician who is now pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Horicon, WI. Audience participation and response are important to the program. Please mark your calendars now and attend! In the Milwaukee area, Issues can be heard on WWRD 540 AM.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

2006 Kick-Off Events

UWM Organization Fair
Wednesday, September 6, 2006 - 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
at the UWM Spaights Plaza

We'll have a LSF Table set up to let the UWM campus know about the activities of Luther Memorial Chapel and University Student Center. Stop by and see us and bring some friends along.

Meet Greet Eat
Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 10:30 A.M.
in the University Student Center

Join us for free food and a chance to meet fellow university students. Everyone is welcome.

LSF Meeting
Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 8:00 P.M.
in the University Student Center

Find out what events are happening for the 2006-07 school year.

Table Talk
Wednesday and Thursday, September 13 and 14 - 12:30 P.M.
in UWM Union Room 344

Free food and engaging discussion. Come and bring a friend.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ash Wednesday

You are warmly invited to hear the sermons for Lent at Luther Memorial Chapel & University Student Center in Shorewood.

They'll be based on our Lord’s seven letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor, located in the western region of what is now called Turkey. These letters, along with the entire book of the Revelation, prepare the church for an important future transition — from the old heavens and earth to the new glorified heavens and earth.

During Lent, the Church prepares to remember an important transition of the past — from the old covenant made with lambs’ blood to the new covenant of the Gospel made in Jesus’ blood. As we approach the week of our Lord’s Passion, we are prepared as we attend special midweek Services each Wednesday and hear these revealed words from the glorified Son of Man.

Jesus, the Son of Man, showed Himself in His glorified body to John and told him to write what he saw. In the second and third chapters of the last book of the Bible, John records the seven letters to the seven churches.

Each of these letters praises, admonishes, and calls the churches to repent. Each letter gives hope to the true Church of all believers as it is faithful to the Lord’s teaching. This hope comes from Jesus and the work He accomplishes for all people for all time.

Beginning tonight (6:30 PM, Wednesday, March 1, 2006), come and hear each of these letters read and proclaimed for the salvation of souls. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is writ! ten in it, for the time is near (Revelation 1:3).

-Vicar Monterastelli

6-blocks north of Sandburg Hall at
3833 N Maryland, Shorewood, WI 53211
(414) 332-5732

Also, don't forget to register for Christ On Campus weekend!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Worship, Liturgy, & Lord's Supper

Why do Lutherans worship the way they do? What makes us right?
Rev. Timothy D. May gave a short talk on his paper concerning the subjects above. I believe it was way too short and will have to pay a visit to him since we live in the same city!
We discussed the practices of many churches today and could not find Scriptural evidence for most practices. For example, the Papists pray to dead Saints to interceed for them to the Father, GOD. They think that through all the grace and merit the saints earned on earth, especially Mary, that they will disperse it to us making us look better in GOD's eyes. In fact this grace differs punishment. Sounds like they don't need CHRIST anymore. Also discussed was the Non-denominationalists, which is an oxymoron. How they focus more on the people that attend church rather than the real reason for being there. They give up true historic teaching in order not to scare some away and mis-quote Paul to do so when he says,"I become all things to all people". We also brushed the Eastern Orthodoxy and their iconoclastic practises expounded here by Rev. McCain. While in a true church you will find GOD's word and sacrament, rightly distinguished and distributed, according to the commands of CHRIST, her groom. CHRIST came to be a servant, as he said, and he comes no closer to man than in his body and blood "given ans shed for the forgiveness of sins". The Lutheran church, therefore, does it's best to be Christo-centric and woe to us if we shadow the great gift of GOD's only Son with something else.

The drive up was uneventful, in a life changing sense. GOD kept us safe and allowed some good conversation and singing of Mozart's Requiem Mass. Vicar and I were mostly reading, Rachel was driving (thanks Rach!!), and Kevin was sleeping! When we got to campus we were admittedly lost, but only for awhile. It took us less time to get there than we thought so we wondered around a bit. We double-checked with the Information desk to confirm the location of the talk and then Rach, Kev, and I meandered into the cemetary. There were a lot of old graves from the Civil War era. After the talk, we went to Country Kitchen and had lunch with most of the peope that attended, including the Campus Pastor.
There was additional action on the way home, but that event has been deemed classified and YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW! :-)
Rachel took all of these pictures and that's why she's in them.
We didn't stop at any bars this time!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


To meet new people and learn things you never knew about your confessional faith as a Lutheran, visit us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 in the Student Center to participate in Vicar Monterastelli's study on Christian prayer. Today we finished discussing the second petition in the Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come...". To find out in detail what we discussed see Vicar for materials, but one thing I can give you is a tiny project a few of us worked on.
Supposedly, you can find the Lord's prayer in the Psalms, the book of prayer. Among other things fornd in Psalms, this is true and a few of us did a little digging and found two psalms for this petition. Why two do you ask? Well, when we ask for God's kingdom to come, it is a twofold request. Not only do we pray for the Holy Ghost to come through the Father's word and sacrament, but also we pray for Christ's return. So for the "now" pray Psalm 43 and for the second coming reflect on Psalm 50. More on this project to come!!

Even so, Lord JESUS, quickly come!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

+/- 20%

For all you Engineers, you understand the title, but for everyone else...You will just have to come to NightLIFE this Friday night at 6PM to find out. One of our own will be leading a discussion on Tolerance and how to deal with it. Eyebrows will be raised, voices will crack, and victuals will be masticated (did I use that right?). Anyways, come and be refreshed with the correct view of tolerance in this fallen world!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Katrina and the first meeting!!!

For some of you this is a time you dread. Having to get up early and walk to class just to get more work and fry your brain. For others, it is a time of joy to get to return to reading and learning!
You can call me Sev and I will be helpin' Kev with the posts here! I won't have as much time as I'd like so the posts will be boring for a while until I get used to this site.
Two important things this week: One is all of those people, I think there are 6 six of us, that are going to Louisianna in March NEED to show up at the Student Center tomorrow at 6:53PM! Do not be late...do not be EARLY! HA!
Secondly, our very first LSF meeting of 2006! This will begin on Thursday the second at 6:00PM. We discuss a lot of things here and it is THE BEST way to get involved or share your ideas. There are a lot of things happening and we are a group committed to our faith and the truth which ALWAYS makes for a good discussion.

Another important point: LSF caters a discussion on Friday nights. We have re-ignighted NightL.I.F.E. You will have to show up at the student center on friday nights to find out what it means. NightL.I.F.E. is a forum and created to get current issues/ideas out on the table and discuss them comfortably with our Christian brothers and sisters. So please try it out and maybe even lead a discussion!

I'll stop for now, but hopefully we can start good discussions here too. And maybe even post some pictures of events. WE'll see.

M-I-C...cya soon! K-E-Y..why? Because we like you. HAHAHA! Ok, I'm done.