Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Spring Semester Events

New Bible Study Starts January 28!
This Sunday we will begin a new Bible study series for the spring semester. We will be looking at the book of Psalms and how it tells us about Christ and helps us in our prayer life as Christians. Please join us Sundays at 10:30AM in the University Student Center at Luther Memorial Chapel.

Meet/Greet/Eat for the Spring
This Sunday after Bible Study we will have a free lunch in the University Student Center. Come for the Divine Service at 9 AM, the Bible Study at 10:30, and stay for lunch to visit and meet new friends.

LSF Meeting
February 1, 2007 at 8 PM in the University Student Center. Come to discuss activities for this semester.

Christ on Campus Spring Retreat
As a chapter of Christ on Campus, we host retreats once or twice a year. On Saturday, March 3, from 9:30-11:30 AM, we will have Dr. Leonard Payton speak on "Praise and Worship Music." Everyone is welcome and there will be a free lunch following the presentation. Mark your calendars now!

Table Talk
We will begin Table Talk again soon. Please let Vicar know what day and time works best for you to have him bring you free food!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


After the twelve days of Christmas, which end on January 5, the church year moves to the Epiphany season. The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6, begins this season. Epiphany means "manifestation," that is, "making known." Jesus Christ, true Man, is shown to be also true God in the Epiphany season. That's what Epiphany is about! It's more than just a remembrance of the Wise Men coming to see the child, which is the Gospel account for the Feast of the Epiphany. But it goes on to include the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River and Jesus' first miracle: turning water into wine.

What's happening in LSF at UWM?
If you're returning back to Milwaukee, be sure to join us for these upcoming events:
January 4: Informal Luther Appreciation Night: Join us for our usual Thursday festivities, this week moved to the Organ Piper Pizza Palace!
January 5: Christmas Bash at the Vicarage! Celebrate the twelfth day of Christmas. Come at 7:30 PM. Please RSVP!
January 6: Epiphany Vespers: Celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord at Luther Memorial Chapel at 5:00 PM.