Saturday, March 31, 2007

Week of 4/1-4/8

Holy Week
The most important week in the life of the Church is Holy Week - the final week of Lent, which begins with Palm Sunday and culminates in the Holy Triduum - the three holy days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. During these days, the story of salvation is celebrated as we remember the Passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule at Luther Memorial
Palm Sunday, Apr 1, 9 AM
Holy (Maundy) Thursday, Apr 5, 1 & 7 PM
Good Friday, Apr 6, 1 & 7 PM
Easter Vigil, Apr 8, 5:55 AM
Easter, Apr 8, 9 AM
Easter Monday, Apr 9, 7 PM

(Tuesday of Holy Week, Apr 3, Matins prayed as usual at 9 AM.)

Table Talk
Wednesday, April 4, 8:30 AM in UWM Union Room 147. We'll discuss Holy Week and the customs associated with it.

LSF Bible/Catechism Study
We will continue our Bible/Catechism study this Wednesday at 7 PM. We'll pray Vespers in the church and continue with the study in the University Student Center. This week we are discussing Psalms 32 and 51 and "What is the Office of the Keys?"

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Week of 3/25-4/1

Fifth Sunday in Lent
This Sunday is March 25, upon which the church year celebrates the Annunciation. This is the day where we commemorate the announcement of the angel Gabriel to the blessed Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of God, bring about the conception of Jesus in her womb. This date was chosen because it is nine months before Christmas, the commemoration of the birth of Jesus. When this date falls on a Sunday, there are varying opinions on whether the Sunday's lectionary (in this case the Fifth Sunday of Lent) or the Annunciation should be observed. In any event, it's a fitting day to remember in Daily Prayer.

Kammerchor Concert at CUW
Sunday, March 25, the Kammerchor of Concordia University Wisconsin will present their spring concert at 3:30 PM at the Chapel of Christ Triumphant at CUW. It's free for CUW students with an ID; others are $7.00.

LSF Table in UWM Union
Tuesday, March 26, we have a union table scheduled from 11:30-2. Please let Vicar or Rachel know if you can help out. This is a great way to let others know about our group.

"Why Genuine Lutheran Theology is Inherently Vigorously Evangelistic!"
It's a long title, but a great topic. Dr. Wallace Schulz of Lutheran Heritage Foundation (publisher of Good News magazine) will present this topic on Tuesday, March 27 at the Lake Shore Room at Concordia University Wisconsin. It's at 7 PM. We'll leave from Luther Memorial around 6:20 PM. Please let us know if you're coming!

Table Talk: On Marriage
Table Talk continues this week with breakfast on Wednesday at UWM Union Room 147 at 8:30 AM. Pastor Wieting will lead the discussion this week on marriage.

LSF hosts Mid-week Lenten Dinner
This Wednesday, March 28, the Lutheran Student Fellowship group will host the mid-week Lenten dinner at Luther Memorial. The dinner is at 5:15 PM. We'll need helpers to set up, serve, and clean up.

LSF Bible/Catechism Study
After dinner (5:15 PM) and Vespers (6 PM) on Wednesday, March 28, we will continue with our study on "What is the Office of the Keys?" We'll examine Matthew 9:1-8, 35-38 Jesus heals a paralytic and Matthew 16:13-19, Jesus institutes the Office of the Ministry and see how these relate to the fifth chief part of the Catechism.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule at Luther Memorial
Everyone is invited to join in the special worship for Holy Week.
Palm Sunday, Apr 1, 9:00 AM
Holy Thursday, Apr 5, 1 & 7 PM
Good Friday, Apr 6, 1 & 7 PM
Easter Vigil, Apr 8, 5:55 AM
Easter Divine Service, Apr 8, 9 AM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week of 3/11

Psalms Bible Study
This Sunday, March 11, our Psalms Bible Study continues with "Psalms on the Messiah." If you'd like, you may read Psalms 22, 45, and 110 to prepare for this study. Come and bring a friend. (We won't meet on March 18 because of Spring Break at UWM.)

Union Table
We're hosting a Union Table on Tuesday, March 13. We need volunteers to help host it. If you can, please let Rachel or Vicar know. Also, stop by and see us on Tuesday if you have a chance.

Table Talk
This Wednesday, at 8:30 AM in Union Room 147, we will discuss Luke 15:11-32, "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" and how it relates to the Church's practice of Private Confession and Absolution.

Catechism and Hymn Study
On Wednesdays in Lent, you are invited to join us for Lenten dinner at 5:15 PM, followed by our Lenten Vespers at 6 PM.

Because Lent is a time of focus on catechesis, we will hold a CATECHISM AND HYMN STUDY after Vespers. We'll spend about 30 minutes on a Scripture passage and the catechism and about 30 minutes discussing some hymns. We'll include some musical recordings and some singing.
Catechism Discussion: 2 Samuel 11 and 12 "The Prophet Nathan Ministers to David;" We will examine this Scriptural account and the chief part on "Confession" from Luther's Small Catechism.
Hymnody Discussion: What is a Lutheran hymn? Where does the story of Lutheran hymns start? Why do Lutherans sing what they sing? This will be an introduction to our on-going study of the story of the hymns in our hymnal from different time periods of church history.
Each week, we will study a different section of the catechism and a corresponding Bible account, followed by a study of Lutheran hymns.
(We won't meet on March 21 because of Spring Break at UWM.)

Luther Appreciation Night
Thursday, March 15
We'll continue with our discussion of the Large Catechism on Baptism. For our discussion this Thursday, read through # 16 on Baptism:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Vespers for Lent

One of the practices of the church during Lent includes increased prayer. We are invited and encouraged to increase our daily prayer at home through the reading of the Scriptures, the singing of Psalms and hymns, and offering up petitions. A possible resource for this would include the Lenten devotions from HIGHER THINGS.

We are also invited to join in increased corporate prayer. At Luther Memorial Chapel, we have Vespers on Wednesdays in Lent at 6 PM. Vespers is the historic evening prayer office of the church. Everyone is welcome to join us. Before Vespers, we have a light supper at 5:15 PM. In addition, we have our regularly scheduled Matins on Tuesday mornings at 9 AM. If you're free at these times, we invite you to join us to hear God's Word and respond in prayer and song.