Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week of 9/2-9/9

9/4 - UWM First Day of Classes

9/5 - Join us for Matins, a morning prayer service, beginning at 7:00am. Afterwards, we will be hosting a table in the UWM Union from 8-12:00pm. Please stop by and say hello between classes!

9/6 - We will be hosting a table again in the UWM Union from 8-10:00am. Volunteers are welcome and encouraged.

9/9 - Our annual Fall kick-off event, the Meet/Greet/Eat, will take place after the 9:00am Divine Service. Join us for fellowship, a free lunch, and the introduction to the semester's first Sunday morning Bible study on the Theology of the Cross and Christian suffering as it pertains to college students.