Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Platteville Pics

Here are a few pics from the Platteville trip! Despite a few quick stops and quick off-ramp transitions we made it back ok :)


Luther Memorial Chapel said...

To clarify, that was supposed to be a funny pic of me walking into the sign.

Also, there is nothing wrong with going to a bar or drinking, as long as a person isn't getting drunk. Lets not forget that Christ changed water into wine (after the wedding party had ran out of their own). In addition, Christ and the Disciples drank wine at the Lords supper.

Another text to consider Matthew 11:19 - "The Son of Man came eating and DRINKING, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard." We can tell by the reference to drunkard that the drinking mentioned in this verse that of alcohol. Christ drank wine - he, however, never got drunk. That is why we don't comdemn driking but only approve of it in moderation.

- Kevin

Luther Memorial Chapel said...

Please excuse my spelling errors..I was typing too quickly :)

- Kevin

Luther Memorial Chapel said...

I should have known it was you, Ben. Who else has enough time on their hands to heckle me on blogger :)

- Kevin