Saturday, April 28, 2007

Week of 4/29-5/6

Hooray for Camping! Spring Edition
After the flooding rains on Friday, we had an excellent Friday evening and Saturday camping at Kohler Andrae State Park in Sheboygan. If you couldn't come this time, watch for more "Hooray for Camping!" events in the future.

Sunday Bible Study on Psalms Continues
We continue our study of the Book of Psalms each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Student Center at Luther Memorial Chapel. Join us as we see how the Psalms tell us about our history, teach us to pray, and point us to Christ.

Table Talk: What About Pastors?
Wednesday, May 2 - 8:30 AM - UWM Union Room 147
Sometimes there is a perceived tension between the Priesthood of All Believers (all Christians) and the Office of the Holy Ministry (pastors). We'll discuss how Christ gave the office of pastors to bestow His gifts and continue His presence, and some foundational Scriptural texts.
TABLE TALK is an informal study/discussion, with a brief presentation and opportunity to ask questions and discuss Lutheran teaching and practice. We meet each Wednesday at 8:30 AM through May 16 in UWM Union Room 147.

LSF Bible/Catechism Study
Wednesday, May 2, 7 PM - Luther Memorial Chapel
We will study Luke 24:13-49, "Jesus Appears to the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus" and see how Jesus makes Himself known to His people in the Sacrament of the Altar. We will study "Who receives the Sacrament worthily" from Luther's Small Catechism.
The LSF BIBLE/CATECHISM STUDY examines a portion of the Bible and its application to Luther's Small Catechism, to encourage Bible study and catechism review. We meet each Wednesday at 7 PM for Vespers at Luther Memorial Chapel and then move to the student center for the study.

Potluck in Honor of University Students
Join us after the Divine Service (9:00 AM) and Bible Study (10:30 AM) on Sunday, May 6 for a potluck (11:30 AM) in honor of all university students. Students who regularly attend Monday night are encouraged to join us as well, to meet some of the members and students from the Sunday morning group.

Union Table
Thanks to those who have helped host tables in the student union. We need more help! Please come on Wednesday, May 9 from 1-3 PM in the UWM union and join us for presenting information about Luther Memorial and Lutheran campus ministry to the UWM campus.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Week of 4/22-4/29

Virginia Tech Responses
More responses to the Virginia Tech tragedy can be accessed at

Table Talk
Wednesday, April 25 - 8:30 AM at UWM Union Room 147
A fundamental teaching to understanding Scripture is the distinction of Law and Gospel. We will look at the Formula of Concord Article V and quotes from C.F.W. Walther's "The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel" to see how this teaching is essential in hearing Christian preaching and in reading of the Bible. Come and enjoy free food and discussion.

LSF Bible/Catechism Study
Wednesday, April 25 - 7 PM at Luther Memorial Chapel
This week, we'll study John 6:1-15, 25-59, "The Feeding of the Five Thousand" and the sixth chief part of Luther's Small Catechism on the Sacrament of the Altar, especially "What is the benefit of this eating and drinking?"Even if you can't join us for the study, consider using this passage and catechism section in your daily prayer this week. Our study will also include Luther's hymn "Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands" (LSB 458).
The LSF BIBLE/CATECHISM STUDY examines a portion of the Bible and its application to Luther's Small Catechism, to encourage Bible study and catechism review. We meet each Wednesday at 7 PM for Vespers at Luther Memorial Chapel and then move to the student center for the study.

Hooray for Camping! Spring Edition
Thursday, April 26 to Sunday, April 29
Join us for camping this Thursday evening-Sunday morning at Kohler Andrae State Park. Join us for all or any portion of the weekend as you are able!

Mark Your Calendars: Christ on Campus Conference, June 5-7
Luther Memorial Chapel will be hosting the national Christ on Campus Conference here at church this June. This is a great opportunity for all pastors, student leaders, and laypeople interested in Lutheran campus work. Please mark your calendars to join us.

Join our facebook group:
Lutheran Student Fellowship at UW-Milwaukee

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech Responses

There is good deal of junk and poor responses out there today regarding the tragedy at Virginia Tech on Monday.

But there have been some good responses also.

Concordia Theological Seminary has a fine, concise, and helpful response on their home page:

Issues, Etc. has a radio interview archived under April 17 by two campus pastors: Rev. Marcus Zill (Laramie, WY) and Rev. Eric Andrae (Pittsburgh). This gives a helpful Lutheran response:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Week of 4/15-4/22

Doubting Thomas (Second Sunday of Easter)
The Gospel account for this Sunday (John 20:19-31) is the story of Jesus' two appearances to His disciples. Jesus continues His presence with His people as He institutes the Office of the Holy Ministry and gives the first pastors the charge to administer His forgiveness through the Sacrament of Absolution. In this way, Jesus continues to strengthen faith in Him so we can confess with Thomas: "My Lord and my God!"

Psalms Bible Study
This Sunday, April 15, we are looking at Psalms on Suffering, Guilt, and Repentance. Join us each week at 10:30 AM.

"Play Ball": Softball in Lake Park
Join us after Bible Study this Sunday for softball in Lake Park starting around noon.

Adult Instruction and Refreshment
Everyone is welcome to attend the Adult Instruction and Refreshment after the Monday Divine Service.

Table Talk
This week, we will look at how the festival and season of Easter came about and the practices connected with it. Join us on Wednesdays at 8:30 AM in UWM Union Room 147 for free breakfast and discussion!

Bible/Catechism Study
This Wednesday, April 18, we will study Exodus 12:1-14, "The Passover," and the first question on the Sacrament of the Altar: "What is the Sacrament of the Altar?" We'll meet in the church for Vespers at 7 and then continue with the study in the Student Center. Everyone is welcome to join us.

LSF Regular Meeting
Our regular monthly meeting will be this Wednesday, April 18, at 8 PM in the University Student Center at Luther Memorial Chapel, following the Bible Study at 7.

Luther Appreciation Night
On Thursday, April 19, we'll meet again for Lutheran beverages and discussion of the Large Catechism on the Sacrament of the Altar. Usually we meet at the Old German Beer Hall downtown. Stay tuned for possible change in venue.

Concordia Bioethics Institute Conference: Saturday, April 21
Please consider attending this institute that will examine some crucial issues in today's society regarding human life:

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Week of 4/8-4/15

The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter is the day all Sundays and festivals of the church year center upon. We give thanks for Christ's victorious resurrection over death and the grave. The Easter Vigil will be celebrated at 5:55 AM. The Divine Service is at 9 AM.

Easter Monday
The Feast of Easter continues as we celebrate the Divine Service for Easter Monday at 7 PM. This is not just a repeat of the Easter Divine Service but will have its own readings, hymns, and homily. Please join us to continue the celebration of Easter.

Easter Choral Vespers
The Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary will present Easter Choral Vespers on Thursday, April 12, at 7 PM at Luther Memorial. Join us for this special celebration of Easter music. A reception will follow in the parish hall.

University Students host Coffee Hour
On Sunday, April 15, the university students will host coffee hour for the congregation. Please help if you are able.

No Bible/Catechism Study or Table Talk this week
Vicar will be out of town at the South Wisconsin District LCMS Pastor's Conference on Tuesday-Thursday. None of our regularly-scheduled activities will happen this week, including Table Talk and the Bible/Catechism Study on April 11. We'll resume on April 18.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Today's Services
Join us at Luther Memorial Chapel for Good Friday worship. Mid-day Prayer is at 1 PM, and the Chief Service is at 7 PM. Each service is different, so please join us for both if you are able.

Meditation on Our Lord's Passion
This article by Dr. Martin Luther is a helpful summary for meditation on the passion and death of Christ: