Saturday, April 28, 2007

Week of 4/29-5/6

Hooray for Camping! Spring Edition
After the flooding rains on Friday, we had an excellent Friday evening and Saturday camping at Kohler Andrae State Park in Sheboygan. If you couldn't come this time, watch for more "Hooray for Camping!" events in the future.

Sunday Bible Study on Psalms Continues
We continue our study of the Book of Psalms each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Student Center at Luther Memorial Chapel. Join us as we see how the Psalms tell us about our history, teach us to pray, and point us to Christ.

Table Talk: What About Pastors?
Wednesday, May 2 - 8:30 AM - UWM Union Room 147
Sometimes there is a perceived tension between the Priesthood of All Believers (all Christians) and the Office of the Holy Ministry (pastors). We'll discuss how Christ gave the office of pastors to bestow His gifts and continue His presence, and some foundational Scriptural texts.
TABLE TALK is an informal study/discussion, with a brief presentation and opportunity to ask questions and discuss Lutheran teaching and practice. We meet each Wednesday at 8:30 AM through May 16 in UWM Union Room 147.

LSF Bible/Catechism Study
Wednesday, May 2, 7 PM - Luther Memorial Chapel
We will study Luke 24:13-49, "Jesus Appears to the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus" and see how Jesus makes Himself known to His people in the Sacrament of the Altar. We will study "Who receives the Sacrament worthily" from Luther's Small Catechism.
The LSF BIBLE/CATECHISM STUDY examines a portion of the Bible and its application to Luther's Small Catechism, to encourage Bible study and catechism review. We meet each Wednesday at 7 PM for Vespers at Luther Memorial Chapel and then move to the student center for the study.

Potluck in Honor of University Students
Join us after the Divine Service (9:00 AM) and Bible Study (10:30 AM) on Sunday, May 6 for a potluck (11:30 AM) in honor of all university students. Students who regularly attend Monday night are encouraged to join us as well, to meet some of the members and students from the Sunday morning group.

Union Table
Thanks to those who have helped host tables in the student union. We need more help! Please come on Wednesday, May 9 from 1-3 PM in the UWM union and join us for presenting information about Luther Memorial and Lutheran campus ministry to the UWM campus.

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