Sunday, May 06, 2007

Week of 5/6-5/13

Table Talk: The Bible in Context
Wednesday, May 9 - 8:30 AM - UWM Union 147

Have you ever encountered Bible passages that are difficult to understand? What are some practices that we can use to help us understand the Bible without coming up with the wrong interpretation? Join us as we look at some ways to understand difficult and commonly misunderstood Bible verses.

TABLE TALK is an informal study/discussion, with a brief presentation and opportunity to ask questions and discuss Lutheran teaching and practice. We meet each Wednesday at 8:30 AM through May 16 in UWM Union Room 147

LSF Table in UWM Student Union
Wednesday, May 9 - 1-3 PM
We are in need of students to host the table in the student union to let UWM students know about the presence of the Lutheran church on campus and the activities we do. Please stop by the table if you can help out.

LSF Bible/Catechism Study: What is Catechesis?
Wednesday, May 9 - 7 PM - Student Center at LMC

The LSF BIBLE/CATECHISM STUDY examines a portion of the Bible and its application to Luther's Small Catechism, to encourage Bible study and catechism review. We meet each Wednesday at 7 PM for Vespers at Luther Memorial Chapel and then move to the student center for the study.

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