Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week of 9/17 to 9/23


This Week there was an LSF meeting on the 17th. For the meeting minutes, please shoot an email off to the LSF email address.

We will also be camping at Kohler - Andrae this weekend from Friday 9 - 21 to Sunday 9 - 23. We will be coming back for the Divine Service on Sunday, but Bible Class will be back at Kohler Andrae for those who weren't able to be there for the whole weekend.

I also said I would post possible options for Bible Study as well as possible dates. Please check the LSF facebook group for these options. They should be up by Monday afternoon. As far as a book of the Bible for study, I am thinking either Ezekiel or Matthew, times are TBA.

The Lord's Blessings on your week.

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