Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Reformation Day

REFORMATION DAY (an exerpt from Rev. Wieting's sermon 10/28/07)

Dear Children of the Reformation, it was an age that looked for a link to God in the extraordinary and extreme – relics, pilgrimages, and more. But Luther pointed to the simple yet profound right in front of our eyes: to the cross, to water, to bread and wine, to the Word of God.

Ours is an age of visions and dreams and nature worship and spiritual illusions. But Christ is still found in the simple and the profound that Luther pointed to, where Christ has promised to be “for you”.

Not only did He make the sea and springs of water, He made water to be a spring of new life in your Baptism. Not only did He shed His blood on Calvary, He bids you to drink of His blood today. What cannot be taken by violence, He comes to freely give you by His grace through faith.

The Reformation was not the start of something new, but the recovery of that which makes new – the eternal Gospel. God help us to hold fast to that Gospel in sincere and contrite hearts. God help us to clearly proclaim that Gospel in our corner of the world and to every nation and tribe and language and people.

To read this sermon in its entirety, go to http://sermonslmc.blogspot.com

Monday, October 22, 2007

Here's What's On Tap This Week at LMC

Join us this week, for:

On-Campus Bible Study - Monday, Oct. 22nd @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

We've finished Ezekiel's first vision and started to dive into the call and ordination of Ezekiel. Please come join us as we study the final vision in this first set of visions. We will see Ezekiel's response was not as welcoming of his new job as one might expect. We will finally conclude this preparatory section with God's command to Ezekiel to be a watchman for Israel which contains dire warnings for the preacher who does not preach as God has commanded. NOTE: This study has now moved to Mondays at 3pm in Room 342.

Matins - Wednesdays @ 7:10am
Luther Memorial Chapel

We encourage and invite you to join us and begin your day with a brief 25 minute Morning Prayer service (Matins) at Luther Memorial Chapel.

Table Talk - Thursday, Oct. 25th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...
There was a question put forth at the last Table Talk, "What is the difference between Faith and Trust?" Is there a difference? Must there be a difference? Please join us for food, fellowship and discussion on this often misunderstood topic.

Camping Trip - Friday, Oct. 26th through Sunday, Oct. 28th
Devil's Lake, WI

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the RSVP deadline for this trip. We will be leaving Friday afternoon and returning Sunday afternoon. Please email Rachel
rachelploetz@yahoo.com if you are interested in camping.

Issues, Etc. Live Broadcast - Sunday, Oct. 28th @ 8:00pm
Luther Memorial Chapel

Join us for this unique broadcast experience as the Radio Voice of the Lutheran Faith for the 21st Century (Issues, Etc.) broadcasts live from Luther Memorial Chapel as part of their Reformation Tour. Dr. Patrick Ferry, President of CUW, will be speaking on the topic of "The Lutheran Reformers vs. Other Reformers". Snacks and desserts will be served starting at 8:00pm, there will be a Question and Answer session from 8:00-8:30pm with host Todd Wilken, and the live broadcast will run from 9:00-11:00pm. There is no charge to attend. Come and go as you please!

Divine Service – Sundays @ 9:00am (also Mondays at 7:00pm)
Luther Memorial Chapel

As always, we warmly invite you to join us for worship to receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament.

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, November 3rd as LSF will be throwing a Reformation Party in the student center. As part of this Reformation Party we will also be "reforming" the church property by raking leaves and performing various fall clean-up tasks. Food and hot cocoa will be provided. We need some student organizers for this event, so please talk to Rachel if you are interested.

To get more information on LSF and LMC activities,
join our facebook group, Lutheran Student Fellowship @ UW-Milwaukee.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here's What's Happening @ LMC this week...

Matins - Wednesdays @ 7:10am
Luther Memorial Chapel

We encourage and invite you to join us and begin your day with a brief 25 minute Morning Prayer service (Matins) at Luther Memorial Chapel.

On-Campus Bible Study - Wednesday, Oct. 17th @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

Join us for a continuing study of Ezekiel's call and ordination: last week we studied the inaugural vision of Ezekiel. This week, we will finish the vision of Ezekiel which concludes with seeing someone who has the appearance of a man in the likeness of man, who ultimately we will see is the pre-incarnate Christ. After the inaugural vision, we will then delve into the task for which God called Ezekiel.

NOTE: Beginning next week, this study will move to Mondays at 3:00pm in Room 342.

Table Talk - Thursday, Oct. 18th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...

Join us (even leave early or arrive late) as your schedule permits. Table Talk this week will be a continuation of Pastor's talk last week.

This week, we will delve into the discussion of women's ordination. So many Protestant denominations are ordaining women. Why? Are us LCMS Lutherans just behind the times? Come, enjoy pizza and discussion.

Divine Service – Sundays @ 9:00am (also Mondays at 7:00pm)
Luther Memorial Chapel

As always, we warmly invite you to join us for worship to receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament. Vicar Askins will be continuing a Bible study on the theology of the cross in the life of a Christian on a college campus, following Sunday’s Divine Service. Come and bring a friend!

This Sunday there will be a free lunch potluck with the congregation following Bible study as part of the congregational meeting. University students are invited to stay for the meal. Help is needed by 5-6 students to help clean up afterwards.

CSL Workshop @ Elm Grove - Sunday, Oct. 21st @ 2:00pm
Elm Grove Lutheran Church

Uwe Siemon-Netto, a native of Germany and director of the Concordia Seminary Institute on Lay Vocation, will conduct a free workshop, "The Two Kingdoms vs. the One Me" from 2 to 5 p.m. Oct. 21, followed by a light supper, at Elm Grove Lutheran Church, 945 Terrace Drive. Reservations are required because of the supper. Call (262) 797-2970.

Don't forget about our upcoming camping trip to Devil's Lake, October 26-28. Please RSVP a.s.a.p. either on facebook or to Vicar at
lmc_vicar@yahoo.com or Rachel at uwm_lsf@yahoo.com by Wednesday, Oct. 24th.

To get more information on LSF and LMC activities, join our facebook group, Lutheran Student Fellowship @ UW-Milwaukee.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

This Week's Lineup at LMC

Matins – Wednesdays @ 7:10am
Luther Memorial Chapel

We encourage and invite you to join us and begin your day with a brief 25 minute Morning Prayer service (Matins) at Luther Memorial Chapel.

Union Table – Wednesday, Oct. 10th @ 11:00-2:00pm
UWM Union Food Court level

Please stop by to help host the LSF informational table in the Union as your schedule permits. This is our only table in October, we have more scheduled in November.

On-Campus Bible Study – Wednesday, Oct. 10th @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

Vicar Askins will continue leading a study on Ezekiel, “the coolest book in the Bible!” This week, we are studying Chapters 1 - 3. Ezekiel begins his book by writing a description of the Glory of YHWH. Repetitive and redundant at times, it demonstrates the fear Ezekiel felt in being in the presence of YHWH. After Ezekiel sees the vision, YHWH calls and installs Ezekiel as a watchman for Israel with a dire warning if Ezekiel fails to do as the Lord commands. Please join us this week to work through what we might call the Old Testament 'Office of the Holy Ministry'.

Table Talk – Thursday, Oct. 11th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...

Join us (even leave early or arrive late) as your schedule permits. Lunch will be provided as Pastor Wieting leads a short presentation and discussion on the place of women in the church, from I Timothy 2. This was a heavily requested topic of discussion, so you don't want to miss it!

NOTE: The room is Union Room 346 (take elevator to 3rd floor, follow hallway straight ahead).

Divine Service – Sundays @ 9:00am (also Mondays at 7:00pm)
Luther Memorial Chapel

As always, we warmly invite you to join us for worship to receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament. Vicar Askins will be continuing a Bible study on the theology of the cross in the life of a Christian on a college campus, following Sunday’s Divine Service. Come and bring a friend!

Don't forget about our upcoming Camping Trip to Devil's Lake, October 26-28. Please RSVP a.s.a.p. either on facebook or to Vicar at
lmc_vicar@yahoo.com or Rachel at uwm_lsf@yahoo.com.

To get more information on LSF activities, join our facebook group Lutheran Student Fellowship @ UW-Milwaukee.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Here's What's On Tap This Week at LMC

Please join us (and bring a friend!) for these upcoming events:

On-Campus Bible Study: Ezekiel
Wednesday, Oct. 3rd @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

The Prophet Ezekiel: A Watchman For Israel
Written to the Jews in captivity in Babylonia and to God's people everywhere, the book of Ezekiel announces God's judgment on Israel and other nations and foretells the eventual salvation of God's people.

Ezekiel was a prophet by God's call. He spoke as God's messenger in the midst of a storm of national defeat that devastated his people. He announced that even Jerusalem would not escape destruction. In addition, during this time Ezekiel had to endure the pain of his wife's death.

Ezekiel spoke against idolaters, abominations in the temple, wicked counselors, evil rulers, false prophets, the unfaithful, and all those who rebelled against the Lord. Sound familiar in today's context? Ezekiel also spoke of the restoration of Israel and an everlasting covenant. Sound familiar?

Please join us for a weekly study of Ezekiel starting this Wednesday at 3:00pm in the UWM Union Room 342 (take elevator to 3rd floor, straight ahead from elevator to hallway) and continuing throughout the semester (same time, same place each week).

Table Talk
Thursday, Oct. 4th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...and "enlightened!"

Join us (even leave early or arrive late) as your schedule permits. Lunch will be provided as Vicar Askins leads a short presentation and discussion on the modern quest for spirituality and what spirituality in this era entails.

NOTE: The room has switched to Union Room 346 (take elevator to 3rd floor, follow hallway straight ahead).

Christ On Campus retreat: Minneapolis
October 19-21

The Great Reversal and Christian Vocation

"You're in the big chair...""

God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..." (Ephesians 2:4-6). According to St. Paul, because Christ has been raised up from the dead and has ascended into Heaven and is now enthroned at the right hand of the Father, we too are raised up and seated with him by grace.

So now what? How does this mystical and eschatalogical reality impact our lives in the here and now on earth? What shape does this reigning with Christ take?

Join us for Fall Study Weekend at University Lutheran Chapel October 19th through the 21st to find out!

PRESENTER: Rev. Matthew Payne graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, in 1989. He has served in the parish ministry for 18 years. He has served as a campus pastor, and as an adjunct professor at Concordia Univeristy in Irvine, California. Pr. Payne is married to the beautiful and talented Uraina. They enjoy life to the hilt (within the bounds of Christian piety), and can often be found in the hot tub sipping a fine Californian Zin.

If you are interested in attending this Christ on Campus retreat, please RSVP by October 6th. Travel and housing accomodations will be made based upon the number of students attending. Talk with Vicar or Rachel if you have any questions.

Camping at Devil's Lake
October 26-28

More details to follow...

If you are interested in attending this camping trip, please RSVP by October 14th. Talk with Vicar (lmc_vicar@yahoo.com) or Rachel (uwm_lsf@yahoo.com) if you have any questions.

As always, please come and receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament in the Divine Service at Luther Memorial Chapel & University Student Center on Sundays at 9:00am or Mondays at 7:00pm.