Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here's What's Happening @ LMC this week...

Matins - Wednesdays @ 7:10am
Luther Memorial Chapel

We encourage and invite you to join us and begin your day with a brief 25 minute Morning Prayer service (Matins) at Luther Memorial Chapel.

On-Campus Bible Study - Wednesday, Oct. 17th @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

Join us for a continuing study of Ezekiel's call and ordination: last week we studied the inaugural vision of Ezekiel. This week, we will finish the vision of Ezekiel which concludes with seeing someone who has the appearance of a man in the likeness of man, who ultimately we will see is the pre-incarnate Christ. After the inaugural vision, we will then delve into the task for which God called Ezekiel.

NOTE: Beginning next week, this study will move to Mondays at 3:00pm in Room 342.

Table Talk - Thursday, Oct. 18th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...

Join us (even leave early or arrive late) as your schedule permits. Table Talk this week will be a continuation of Pastor's talk last week.

This week, we will delve into the discussion of women's ordination. So many Protestant denominations are ordaining women. Why? Are us LCMS Lutherans just behind the times? Come, enjoy pizza and discussion.

Divine Service – Sundays @ 9:00am (also Mondays at 7:00pm)
Luther Memorial Chapel

As always, we warmly invite you to join us for worship to receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament. Vicar Askins will be continuing a Bible study on the theology of the cross in the life of a Christian on a college campus, following Sunday’s Divine Service. Come and bring a friend!

This Sunday there will be a free lunch potluck with the congregation following Bible study as part of the congregational meeting. University students are invited to stay for the meal. Help is needed by 5-6 students to help clean up afterwards.

CSL Workshop @ Elm Grove - Sunday, Oct. 21st @ 2:00pm
Elm Grove Lutheran Church

Uwe Siemon-Netto, a native of Germany and director of the Concordia Seminary Institute on Lay Vocation, will conduct a free workshop, "The Two Kingdoms vs. the One Me" from 2 to 5 p.m. Oct. 21, followed by a light supper, at Elm Grove Lutheran Church, 945 Terrace Drive. Reservations are required because of the supper. Call (262) 797-2970.

Don't forget about our upcoming camping trip to Devil's Lake, October 26-28. Please RSVP a.s.a.p. either on facebook or to Vicar at
lmc_vicar@yahoo.com or Rachel at uwm_lsf@yahoo.com by Wednesday, Oct. 24th.

To get more information on LSF and LMC activities, join our facebook group, Lutheran Student Fellowship @ UW-Milwaukee.

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