Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Here's What's On Tap This Week at LMC

Please join us (and bring a friend!) for these upcoming events:

On-Campus Bible Study: Ezekiel
Wednesday, Oct. 3rd @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

The Prophet Ezekiel: A Watchman For Israel
Written to the Jews in captivity in Babylonia and to God's people everywhere, the book of Ezekiel announces God's judgment on Israel and other nations and foretells the eventual salvation of God's people.

Ezekiel was a prophet by God's call. He spoke as God's messenger in the midst of a storm of national defeat that devastated his people. He announced that even Jerusalem would not escape destruction. In addition, during this time Ezekiel had to endure the pain of his wife's death.

Ezekiel spoke against idolaters, abominations in the temple, wicked counselors, evil rulers, false prophets, the unfaithful, and all those who rebelled against the Lord. Sound familiar in today's context? Ezekiel also spoke of the restoration of Israel and an everlasting covenant. Sound familiar?

Please join us for a weekly study of Ezekiel starting this Wednesday at 3:00pm in the UWM Union Room 342 (take elevator to 3rd floor, straight ahead from elevator to hallway) and continuing throughout the semester (same time, same place each week).

Table Talk
Thursday, Oct. 4th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...and "enlightened!"

Join us (even leave early or arrive late) as your schedule permits. Lunch will be provided as Vicar Askins leads a short presentation and discussion on the modern quest for spirituality and what spirituality in this era entails.

NOTE: The room has switched to Union Room 346 (take elevator to 3rd floor, follow hallway straight ahead).

Christ On Campus retreat: Minneapolis
October 19-21

The Great Reversal and Christian Vocation

"You're in the big chair...""

God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..." (Ephesians 2:4-6). According to St. Paul, because Christ has been raised up from the dead and has ascended into Heaven and is now enthroned at the right hand of the Father, we too are raised up and seated with him by grace.

So now what? How does this mystical and eschatalogical reality impact our lives in the here and now on earth? What shape does this reigning with Christ take?

Join us for Fall Study Weekend at University Lutheran Chapel October 19th through the 21st to find out!

PRESENTER: Rev. Matthew Payne graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, in 1989. He has served in the parish ministry for 18 years. He has served as a campus pastor, and as an adjunct professor at Concordia Univeristy in Irvine, California. Pr. Payne is married to the beautiful and talented Uraina. They enjoy life to the hilt (within the bounds of Christian piety), and can often be found in the hot tub sipping a fine Californian Zin.

If you are interested in attending this Christ on Campus retreat, please RSVP by October 6th. Travel and housing accomodations will be made based upon the number of students attending. Talk with Vicar or Rachel if you have any questions.

Camping at Devil's Lake
October 26-28

More details to follow...

If you are interested in attending this camping trip, please RSVP by October 14th. Talk with Vicar (lmc_vicar@yahoo.com) or Rachel (uwm_lsf@yahoo.com) if you have any questions.

As always, please come and receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament in the Divine Service at Luther Memorial Chapel & University Student Center on Sundays at 9:00am or Mondays at 7:00pm.

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