Tuesday, October 09, 2007

This Week's Lineup at LMC

Matins – Wednesdays @ 7:10am
Luther Memorial Chapel

We encourage and invite you to join us and begin your day with a brief 25 minute Morning Prayer service (Matins) at Luther Memorial Chapel.

Union Table – Wednesday, Oct. 10th @ 11:00-2:00pm
UWM Union Food Court level

Please stop by to help host the LSF informational table in the Union as your schedule permits. This is our only table in October, we have more scheduled in November.

On-Campus Bible Study – Wednesday, Oct. 10th @ 3:00pm
UWM Union Room 342

Vicar Askins will continue leading a study on Ezekiel, “the coolest book in the Bible!” This week, we are studying Chapters 1 - 3. Ezekiel begins his book by writing a description of the Glory of YHWH. Repetitive and redundant at times, it demonstrates the fear Ezekiel felt in being in the presence of YHWH. After Ezekiel sees the vision, YHWH calls and installs Ezekiel as a watchman for Israel with a dire warning if Ezekiel fails to do as the Lord commands. Please join us this week to work through what we might call the Old Testament 'Office of the Holy Ministry'.

Table Talk – Thursday, Oct. 11th @ 12:15pm
UWM Union Room 346

Come hungry and leave happy...

Join us (even leave early or arrive late) as your schedule permits. Lunch will be provided as Pastor Wieting leads a short presentation and discussion on the place of women in the church, from I Timothy 2. This was a heavily requested topic of discussion, so you don't want to miss it!

NOTE: The room is Union Room 346 (take elevator to 3rd floor, follow hallway straight ahead).

Divine Service – Sundays @ 9:00am (also Mondays at 7:00pm)
Luther Memorial Chapel

As always, we warmly invite you to join us for worship to receive the gifts Christ freely gives to us through His Word and Sacrament. Vicar Askins will be continuing a Bible study on the theology of the cross in the life of a Christian on a college campus, following Sunday’s Divine Service. Come and bring a friend!

Don't forget about our upcoming Camping Trip to Devil's Lake, October 26-28. Please RSVP a.s.a.p. either on facebook or to Vicar at
lmc_vicar@yahoo.com or Rachel at uwm_lsf@yahoo.com.

To get more information on LSF activities, join our facebook group Lutheran Student Fellowship @ UW-Milwaukee.

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